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Imagun, Inc. Glossary of Techno Babble
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Wide Area Information Server. A commercial software package that allows for the indexing of large quantities of information, and then making those indices searchable across the network using keyword groups.



Wide Area Network. A larger version for of a LAN. An excellent example would be to picture a company that has 2 offices on opposite sides of town. If these two offices computer networks are connected, then that is called a WAN.


  WEB Crawlers / Spiders

Bot program that methodically search and index information on the WEB.


  WEB Master

The person responsible for updating and maintaining a web site.



You probably don't need an explanation for this if you have gotten this far but here goes! A separate page in a website. A website is composed of many pages which are HTML, HTM, and ASP files that are downloaded individually. A page is scrollable. Some are framed or tabled. Ideal page size varies according to the content and audience. IMAGUN recommends a meld of stunning graphics or animations and some awesome content with a quick download time (less than 30 seconds, and that's a long time to stare at a monitor waiting!)




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